Summer Program for Young Opera Singers 2022 in Sant’Angelo in Vado
Italian Language, Italian Lyric Diction ▪ Vocal Training, Master Classes, Performance/Audition Seminars ▪ Mise-en-Scène/Opera Staging Rehearsals Opera Role Coaching ▪ Public Concerts/Gala Performances


Click here to have a look at our concert "Scene d'Opera" 2017

Sylvia Stone, Director

Come to Sant’Angelo in Vado to enhance your singing and performing skills and to develop your fluency in the Italian language. This program is designed for emerging opera singers who wish to have experience studying and performing in Italy, and who are anxious to improve their Italian language skills. It provides bel canto vocal training and coaching of Italian operatic repertoire with an international faculty, and includes public concerts in historical theatres in and around Sant’Angelo in Vado. Students receive two weekly voice lessons and regular musical and Italian diction coachings of Italian repertoire with faculty or guest maestri. Elements of acting and character development will be addressed daily by our Italian stage director in stage rehearsals on the stage of Teatro Zuccari. The thrust of the program is to broaden the singer's repertoire, improve Italian language skills, develop his/her stage artistry, improve audition skills, and to offer performance experience in Italy.
The instructors of Scuola Italia’s language program offer an intensive course that equips the singer with a thorough grounding in the Italian language. The teachers are graduates in Modern Languages and Humanities and highly skilled in modern teaching methods of Italian as a foreign language.

Course in Italian language (1)

Classes meet Monday through Friday 9 a.m to 12.15 p.m. The course consists of grammar, conversation, listening comprehension, lexical and phonetic development, diction lessons, reading and translating texts of operatic arias. The students' progress is carefully monitored throughout the group lessons.
The course includes:
teaching material
information on the city of Sant'Angelo in Vado and its surroundings
visits to the following cities of art :
 • guided cultural tour of URBANIA with its museums, theatre and history (Ducal Palace, Bramante Theatre, the famous Mummies, demonstration of ceramic technology at the Associazione Amici della Ceramica)
 • guided cultural tour of URBINO, a stunning Italian city with beautiful Renaissance architecture. It is the birthplace of the world-famous painter Raphael. The Ducal Palace in Urbino was the famous court of Duke Federico II of Montefeltro. Today the Palace is the National Gallery of the Marche Region.
 • One day at the beach in PESARO (hometown of Gioacchino Rossini), where the prestigious Rossini Opera Festival is held annually.
The school also provides assistance to the students in arranging travel within Italy (booking hotels, hints for residence permits, car and bicycle hire, taxis). Whatever your problem, we will be here to help you.


Course in Vocal and Opera Studies and Performance (2)

What the course offers:
two 30-minute private voice lessons per week with Professor Stone
accompanists for all voice lessons and individual rehearsal (if available)
individual and ensemble musical coaching on Italian song and operatic repertoire with international maestri, at least three periods per week
daily opera staging rehearsals of selected scenes to be performed on concerts
audition training, role coaching, general stage technique, acting, and Italian diction coaching offered throughout the program
• the renowned bel canto tenor WILLIAM MATTEUZZI will offer a master class, as will Professor DONALD GEORGE, who additionally will direct a Creative Workshop and present his latest book: Master Singers: Advice from the Stage. Madame JUNE CARD will present the seminar: Auditioning for Success.
practice rooms available all week.

Concert Appearances (3)

During the course, public concerts will be performed in the region of Pesaro Urbino. Recent venues were Teatro Zuccari in Sant'Angelo in Vado, Castello Brancaleoni in Piobbico, Museo Diocesano in Urbania, Chiesa Santa Veneranda in Fermignano, Chiesa di San Francesco in Mercatello , the Cultural Center in Peglio, the beautiful and historic Teatro Bramante in Urbania, and the Vatican in Rome (San Pietro Cathedral). The singers will receive additional rehearsals and coachings for these performances.
Click here to download our concert program 2019.
After every concert, Scuola Italia hosts a dinner party for the singers and staff.


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