The summer program is located in scenic Sant'Angelo in Vado, a lively medieval town about 50 km from the Adriatic coast. It rests in the foothills of the Marche region of Central Italy, not far from Tuscany. This small agricultural and commercial center in mountain country, has a most attractive centro storico (historical district) and a wealth of churches and merchants houses that bear witness to the town's boom years during the 16th-18th centuries.

Here was also the birthplace of a number of important Baroque artists and architects including the brothers Taddeo and Federico Zuccari, who achieved fame in Rome during the second half of the 16th century.

The town was once the Roman Tiphernum Metaurense and when rebuilt after the wars between the Byzantines and Ostrogoths was dedicated to the Archangel Michael, hence its name Sant'Angelo.
Be on the look-out for the 13th century Palazzo della Ragione with its splendid bell-tower and the Palazzo Fagnani which houses the town hall and a large Sacra Conversazione by Federico Zuccari.

Of the many admirable churches the Duomo, with a painting by Gentile da Fabriano, and the Church of San Francesco stand out. One of the most remarkable sights in the town is the Domus del Mito, or House of the Myth, the remains of a 1st century BC Roman villa with some 1,000 square meters of elaborate, polychrome mosaics. Only recently discovered, the mosaics represent some of the finest ancient Roman discoveries in central Italy over the last half century.

During the last weekends of October the town hosts the Mostra Nazionale del Tartufo Bianco Pregiato, an excellent chance to taste white truffles and see the town decked out to look its best.

On the weekend, the school also organizes guided visits to cities of artistic interest.

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